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5 Things To Do After Attempting GATE Mock Tests

Mock tests are the practice test designed to acquaint students with actual pattern of GATE exam. GATE exam being one of the prestigious exam have various benefits. One of the key benefit is that if the student scores well in the examination, they are likely to choose their college according to their score.

“Practice makes the man perfect”. It is not just a saying, it actually holds a true meaning. Just studying and not practising is sheer waste of time. Hence, more mock tests you attempt, more adept you become.

Appear for series of mock test before actually appearing for GATE exam. This will help you evaluate these:

  • How well are you prepared for GATE exam?
  • Are you able to manage your time efficiently?
  • Which topics you are weak at?
  • Will you be able to revise those topics?
  • Which strategies you should inculcate to overcome your weaknesses?

At GATEFLIX these mock tests are collated by experienced senior faculties. Mock tests improves your confidence and time management skills to perform well.

So, once you start attempting mock tests. What next? What should you do after attempting mock tests?

‘ANALYSE’, is the word as there is no tomorrow to let you gauge the level of your preparation for the GATE exam. Learn from your performance in the mock test so that you can do well in your final verdict; GATE Exam.

Below are the 5 things to do after attempting mock tests:

  • Assess your mistakes
  • Learn about your strengths and try minimizing weaknesses
  • Compare
  • Evaluate your current level of preparation
  • Design a strategy

Let’s exaggerate further:


When students analyse their mock test performance, they should check:

  • The average time taken to answer each question (whether speed and accuracy are parallel)
  • Assess the areas where they lost marks. Get into the real root cause. Work towards it or ask for expert’s help, if required.
  • Check if the same mistake is repeated frequently.

To firm up the performance meter in the next mock test; do not repeat the same mistakes rather learn from it and do well in the upcoming mock tests or the actual GATE exam.


Once the student finishes up with self-analysis, they get to know the areas they need to work-upon and the areas they are good at. To minimize the weaknesses, student should practice more and more simultaneously it will strengthen the good areas towards ‘Excellency’.


‘Comparison keeps student’s spirit high and improves performance.’
A student competes with oneself, if you are able to cross your own score that means you are on the right track of preparation. Hence, monitor your performance, compare it to your previous mock test you had attempted. Thus, make every effort for your betterment.

Additionally, when you get to know the marks, accuracy, time taken and number of questions attempted by the toppers; do make a target for yourself. When you strive harder to achieve that target, it doesn’t mean you want to let down others but you should learn from your mistakes and achieve the target.


Students appearing for mock tests gain vital understanding of the GATE exam paper, types or questions asked as well as the marking scheme.

Evaluation is just not restricted to a specific score but a student should know where they went wrong, where did you spent more time than the actual requirement, with which questions you should have started with? Etc.

Revisions are an important part of any preparation. It makes student more efficient with the section being revised. Appearing for a mock test means, standing infront of a mirror which shown where the student actually stands. Thus, it let students know how well they are prepared enough for the GATE exam.


Strategy that works for others may not work for you. So it is advisable to work and rework on your strategy, until you find the befitting strategy which suits you the best.

To design the strategy, when you assess the solutions of the mock test, start with section-wise analysis first then switch to question wise analysis, finally assess.

Section-Wise Analysis

Scan your section wise score and accuracy, conclude how much time you invested in the particular section and how much you should invest in every section in your next mock test.

TIP: While undertaking a mock test, start with the sections you are more congenial with. As starting with the comfortable section may boost your level of confidence and help you score well in exam.

Question-Wise Analysis

Looking into the past and current mock test scenario, evaluate the time you need to allot to each question type.

Decide how you would start the test:

Strong areas


Easy question


Difficult questions


Time-consuming questions


  • How many questions you attempted were correct and incorrect?
  • How many questions you left unattended?

If you are able to prepare a systematic time plan, you can use the saved time to solve the more complicated questions.


FOCUS, DEDICATION AND UTTER EFFORTS are the three mantras to successfully crack GATE exam.

GATEFLIX offers a series of mock tests that helps students to evaluate self. Make use of it. As the best preparation for tomorrow starts from today. For our expert’s advice, contact us as +91 6262062627 or mail at [email protected]

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